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Thread: Board Games?

  1. #1
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    Default Board Games?

    Anyone play board games?

    At the risk of sounding like a huge geek, I really like playing board games. I'm thinking games like Axes and Allies, Monopoly, and Settlers of Catan. I was just taught how to play Settlers of Catan last night, and now I'm hooked.

    Any other (board) gamers out there?

    Age Quod Agis

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    Gotta admit I haven't played a board game in quite awhile. I bought a new Monopoly set a few years back and about choked at the price. When did all the board games get so high priced? The one I really enjoyed was an old board game with a hint of electronics to it...DarkTower. Still have it in the attic...hmmm wonder if it still works

    Here is a pretty good link to what it was, when it was still around.
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    Risk. Only problem is, you need to find 4 or 5 other people with 6 to 8 hrs to burn.

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  4. #4
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    I enjoy Monopoly, but my favorite is Risk - I am extremely competitive though... to the point of throwing fits

    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
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  5. #5
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    I play boardgames with my son so it's a lot of Chutes & Ladders and Hi Ho Cherrio

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    I love risk. Only problem is no one ever wants to play.

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    The older I get ,the better I was

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    I suck at Risk, I'm fairly decent at monopoly.

    A favorite at my parent's house was Life, but they had an old 60's version of it so when you got a year's salary, it was like 6000 dollars.

    Also, I like the game Operation. If brought up in front of my wife, she'll tell about the time I cheated by blowing the Charlie horse in the back corner for her emminent win. I deny my part.

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  9. #9


    I do enjoy A&A, although I've only played the original & Europe versions. I also like "Samurai Swords" (originally releases as Shogun) and "Fortress America". Dang, two more games and I've covered all of the games in the MB Gamemaster Series. I do like "Risk", but these other games are a bit more involved and for me, more fun. "Lionheart" & "Stratego" are good for when I don't have as much time to game or when I'm trying to introduce a youngster or noob to gaming.

    I used to play a lot of the "Warhammer", "Warhammer 40K", "Battletech" & "Mechwarrior" tabletop games. I started selling off some of my pieces, although I still have some floating around.

    I have heard many positive reviews for the Settlers of Catan. I'll have to check it out one of these days. A couple of other games that have caught my eye are the "Conflict of Heroes" line and "Memoir '44".

    Mark, with a child on the way, you won't have time to game. I'll take the games off your hands. Better yet, teach him/her to play and you'll have a gaming buddy.

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    I used to play the Game of Life, but I kept getting fired from my job with 4 kids to put through college, a cheating wife and a retarded dog.

    I play darts now.

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    I agree with Dan. The only Risk I like playing is Castle Risk, which came with a version of Risk a few years ago. I like the continuous layout of the Europe for that game rather than the archipelago style of the entire world. In addition to Settlers, I've heard good things about a game called Puerto Rico.

    Some of my friends really get into Blood Bowl, and I played a little bit of Marvel Superheroes when I was younger, but I have a hard time getting into the tabletop RPGs.

    I do plan on teaching the youngster how to play chess early on and whipping them mercilessly. Part self-gratification, but in part to have someone to play with.

    Age Quod Agis

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    I enjoyed playing Clue when I was younger. Regulars would be monopoly and risk. The wife likes to play Taboo and Battle of the Sexes (for some reason, we always end up in a fight after the last one).

  13. Default

    I like board games, but I mostly wind up playing video games anymore. In fact, I think I have never played Risk unless it was in the form of a video game. At least there is always someone to play.

    I bought a Peantus/Charlie Brown version of Monopoly last year. I am a bit of a fanatic.

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    So, picking this back up, our cable bill is about to raise. I'm on the fence as to whether or not I want to keep it.

    We've been playing board games more recently. Trying to find 2-player games. Some of our favorites:

    Uno: geez, I forgot how fun this game is. Totally insane with only 2 players.
    Carcassone: This one took a few tries to really get into it. There is definitely strategy involved, and we can never play just one game - we always want to set it back up and play again.
    Ticket to Ride: Probably the best board game I've played since learning A&A a million years ago. It's a very fun game. We got the 'Europe' version - there are variations with it that add an additional element of strategy. It is expensive, though
    Shut the Box: there should be more 'drinking' elements to this game - impossibly simple, very little strategy, but still fun
    Othello: really fun as well

    Anyone play any other games? I've heard about some others, like Agricola and Underworld, but we might just stick with the ones we have and get some expansion packs - I've even heard there's a 2-player version in Settlers of Catan with the 'Traders & Barbarians' expansion. I love that game.

    Age Quod Agis

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    Quote Originally Posted by kevin7 View Post
    Yeah, I think you're version of "Candyland" isn't "G" rated like the one they sell in the stores.

    I think Stratego was one of the greatest board games of all time. Clue is pretty cool too.
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    Careers, Parcheesi and Battleship were always fun when I was a kid.

    Risk is okay but like someone already said, you need about 8 hours to play it and I always thought Life sucked because it pretty much totally depended on what career you landed in on the first spin, in most cases the game was over before it barely began and Operation was just plain ridiculous
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86 View Post
    Yeah, I think you're version of "Candyland" isn't "G" rated like the one they sell in the stores.

    I think Stratego was one of the greatest board games of all time. Clue is pretty cool too.
    I can't believe all the salty nooblers aren't all over this one!

    I always like "Sorry."

    Clue is a good game. We had a tradition for a while of playing that after thanksgiving dinner as a family, except we made it "Whiskey Clue" which meant if you guess wrong, you had to do a shot. Even got my Mom to take a shot one time. She took a little sip, and then poured the rest in her coffee.
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    Dictionary and taboo are my two favorite games. I am ruthless my team pretty much wins all the time. It's been a long time sense anyone wanting to play these games with me.....:(

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  20. #20
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    Any trivia game works for me. We own quite a few versions and recently purchased the Classic Rock version. Sadly, my wife may never play it with me again. I won and she didn't have a single pie. And that's not because she doesn't know her classic rock, every time she landed on a pie question she got a humdinger of a nasty one while I seemed to get simple ones.

    She won't play Scrabble with me anymore. I suck so badly at it she says it's no fun for her.................b*tch! LOL

    I always enjoyed Risk but hated that I got killed because of crappy dice rolls. If I'm going to play a board strategy game, I'd much rather play chess, there's no chance involved.

    All the other older games, Monoply, Clue, Life etc are fun and I'd play them agian.
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