Quote Originally Posted by craig View Post
No, it wasn't sarcasm. This has been discussed before, and two samplers was/is allowed. Sometimes people don't have enough money at one point to do the sampler that they wanted initially, etc.
My bad, I wasn't aware of, nor have I searched for that discussion. Personally, I didn't think three samplers were anything to be concerned about, but I'm rarely accused of being the sharpest tack in the box. Paddy and Cigarbear knew/know of my past deal(s). Cigarbear can back out of the deal if he likes; no hard feelings. Money is a huge issue with me too, and the samplers have helped me save a lot of money and build a shopping list while minimizing the expense of buying turds.

AFAIK, all the sponsors are exactly that - sponsors. The payment doesn't cover what the sponsor paid for the cigars. Why should someone repeatedly benefit?
I have to admit, the guys have been very generous with the samplers they sent me, and I appreciate it. But I have not asked for, nor expect anything beyond what I've been willing to pay for.

Please note that I am not saying that your intent was to abuse the process. ...An open trade for an assortment offered in the buy/sell forum would be the way to go, IMO.
So noted.

ETA: I wish the mobile skin had a quote function. Hed edited out the part of his previous post that I was replying to. It was something to the effect that he hoped that I was being sarcastic in my post before his.
Sorry about that dude. I was (mistakenly) certain your comment was sarcasm, so I edited it from my post. I restored it.