Do you have a suspect ISOM? Want to see what some seasoned smokers think of the coveted smokes someone was kind enough to gift you or that you purchased from a road side vendor outside of Cancun? This is the place.

My brother-in-law was kind enough to purchase these for me from a roaming vendor on a beach in Cancun (Clue #1). They will never set foot in my humidor...

Note the coveted glass-topped case (Clue #2) these lovelies come in -- don't let the stickers fool you...

It came with Habanos style paper insert -- but note the variation in boder space (Clue #3).

Where to begin -- the color of the bands, the consistently askew typeset on the labels, the brown gunk on the Edicion Limitada band (Clue ## 4, 5 and 6).

And we finish with some sub-par construction and a less than ideal wrapper (Clue #7).

These are beyond hinky...