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Thread: P.I.F Thread

  1. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    As much as I absolutely hate to say it, but I will since I am man, You guys are right.

    I assumed mine were fine, since they were talked about, a known brand and I even received some of them in a Cigar of the Month Club.

    We all know I am a newb bitch here.. And I have been rammed once before. With that said, Why couldn't Will PM me with something like this...

    'I now your a newb. I feel the sticks are bare minimum. Next time you decide to part take in something like this, shot me a PM with what your thinking and I will help out.'

    To me, that is what i may have done, or i would let it go. Just makes sense more that way then bashing someone..........
    Are you a child? Do you understand English? Did you buy the cigars, so you know what they are valued at? Were you really ready to join the PIF, or were you so enamored with free cigars you just said "damn the torpedos, full speed ahead"?

    We don't hand hold newblets here. We have few rules, and the ones we do have are plainly stated. This is a simple place to figure out......for adults.

  2. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    I sent him 5. I only remember 3 of the 5. It has been 11 days now, as that was pointed out. My memory is shot man.
    Now whose fault was that? Oh yeah, I forgot. You were lazy.

    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    I assumed mine were fine, since they were talked about, a known brand and I even received some of them in a Cigar of the Month Club.
    Oh, well holy shit! You didn't mention they were from a Cigar of the Month Club. Allow us all to apologize to you, since it's obviously the shitty selection some overpriced POS monthly cigar ripoff bagged you first, and you're just passing off what you didn't want to us. That's fine. It's not your fault.

    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    We all know I am a newb bitch here.. And I have been rammed once before. With that said, Why couldn't Will PM me with something like this...

    'I now your a newb. I feel the sticks are bare minimum. Next time you decide to part take in something like this, shot me a PM with what your thinking and I will help out.'
    Wanna know why? Because that isn't English. We speak English on this board. Occasionally Spanish, and occasionally Fuckyouese, but primarily English. You want to participate, you have to learn to communicate. If you had ANY shred of decency, you would have sat around and watched for a while before shoving you hands in the cookie jar, to figure out what the fuck was going on. The Newbie Sampler thread would have shown you what classy sticks were. The Premium Cigar draft would have shown you what classy sticks were. Hell, even the PPP would have shown you what classy sticks were. But no, you pawn off what the previous guy sends you, and throw in your own selections from some cheeseball Cigar of the Month club. But you don't take that route. Will should have been nicer to you. It's not your fault.

    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    To me, that is what i may have done, or i would let it go. Just makes sense more that way then bashing someone..........
    No, what makes more sense is driving a POS newb mooch bitch out.

    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    I said it before and I'll say it again. I don't need to explain anything I do to anyone. I will not list even 1 of them.
    You're acting as if you've explained ANYTHING so far. Lemme guess - it's not your fault?

    Age Quod Agis

    1 Strike

  3. #303
    garryyjr Guest

    Default Re: P.I.F Thread

    Ok.. Well this is a PIF thread. So on with it.

  4. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    Ok.. Well this is a PIF thread. So on with it.
    Oh. I see. So now YOU'RE deciding that this is over. Maybe we'll all just forget about this little incident. Because YOU say so.

    Age Quod Agis

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  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    Ok.. Well this is a PIF thread. So on with it.
    Oh. Well, if you say so then...

    "...all roads lead to cigars."
    "You will not change this forum. Simple as that. Accept it or move on, or you will be escorted from the premises."
    "Maybe you should just stop trying to be witty?"
    "Rule 17: Don’t turn your back on bears, men you have wronged, or the dominant turkey during mating season."
    -Dwight Schrute
    "Fuck I just like smoking. Who am I kidding?"
    "If you want to start a fuckin' hobby, start it."

  6. #306
    garryyjr Guest

    Default Re: P.I.F Thread

    Nope, I know I will catch shit here on out and in any thread I make or post I put.

  7. #307
    garryyjr Guest

    Default Re: P.I.F Thread

    The sticks sucked.. On with life I go. I had no intention to 'scam' anyone.

    I've learned that next time I will go to those I trust for help.

  8. #308
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    Nope, I know I will catch shit here on out and in any thread I make or post I put.
    Only because you refuse to state your case. Which means you don't have a case and are, indeed, a mooching piece of many of us suspected from the get-go.

  9. #309
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    The sticks sucked.. On with life I go. I had no intention to 'scam' anyone.

    I've learned that next time I will go to those I trust for help.
    There will be no next time on this board spanky. LMFAO, you are truly clueless.

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    Nope, I know I will catch shit here on out and in any thread I make or post I put.
    I think the sooner the 'out' is for you, the better. Forget about trading on this board again. What you need to be asking yourself is: 'Will I ever be able to get in trades on ANY cigar board again?'

    What, you don't think we're on more than one cigar board? You think you can pull this shit off here and go unnoticed elsewhere? How many examples do you need?

    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    The sticks sucked..
    Then why would you send them in the first place? You had to know this was going to happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    On with life I go. I had no intention to 'scam' anyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    I've learned that next time I will go to those I trust for help.
    First of all, there won't be a 'next time'. You've burned that bridge down. Any other posts made on this board will always circle back to this. Secondly, who do you 'trust' here?

    Age Quod Agis

    1 Strike

  11. #311
    garryyjr Guest

    Default Re: P.I.F Thread

    Your prolly right.. I might get banned since you think I scammed this pass or I won't part take in shit anymore.

    Garry Jr.

  12. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    Your prolly right.. I might get banned since you think I scammed this pass or I won't part take in shit anymore.

    Garry Jr.
    It's "partake".
    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Buzz is smoking our cigars. This probably is his triumphant scam.

  13. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    You're prolly right.. I might get banned since you think I scammed this pass, or I won't partake in shit anymore.

    Garry Jr.
    Fixed your spelling for ya. I disagree though. I think all you'll be partaking in around here is shit.

  14. #314
    garryyjr Guest

    Default Re: P.I.F Thread

    4 of the 5

    Gurhka Symphony, El Mejor Emarld, Man O War and 5 Vegas Gold

  15. #315
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    Precipitously close to disaster.


    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    The sticks sucked.. On with life I go. I had no intention to 'scam' anyone.

    I've learned that next time I will go to those I trust for help.
    I know of this young lady who favors wearing bright red hair, very visible nose and body piercings and tatoos. She's very much living for her own "pleasure", and apparently does not give consideration to the obvious limits she's placing on her circumstances. She's constantly frustrated because most places she applies for work do not call her back - she does not think it's "fair". I just shake my head...

    Like the woman with the red hair - Each "faux pas" (look it up - it applies to you) affords us an opportunity to learn. If things do not seem to be going your way, perhaps you should evaluate if you're on the right path AND make corrections to the course.

    All that being said - I personally am not too confident that at the present time you have the capacity to understand.

    Good luck and journey well!

  16. #316
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    Ghurkha -2.75
    El Mejor - 2.75
    5-Vegas - might just barely make the minimum if you sent the most expensive vitola.

    You failed to even meet the explicitly stated minimum criteria of the pass, much less the the spirit of the pass. As far as I am concerned, you still owe Will his pass.

  17. #317
    garryyjr Guest

    Default Re: P.I.F Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Eville View Post
    Ghurkha -2.75
    El Mejor - 2.75
    5-Vegas - might just barely make the minimum if you sent the most expensive vitola.

    You failed to even meet the explicitly stated minimum criteria of the pass, much less the the spirit of the pass. As far as I am concerned, you still owe Will his pass.
    ok.. Point proven. Maybe I was checking a wrong source for pricing.

    Man o war..? I forget the 5th one.

  18. #318
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    4 of the 5

    Gurhka Symphony, El Mejor Emarld, Man O War and 5 Vegas Gold
    For posterity.

    Quote Originally Posted by GARRYYJR
    ok.. Point proven. Maybe I was checking a wrong source for pricing.

    Man o war..? I forget the 5th one.
    Why would you have to check a source for pricing? Didn't you buy these sticks....couldn't you just check the receipt? Wait, these wouldn't be gifted sticks or sumptin' would they?

  19. #319
    garryyjr Guest

    Default Re: P.I.F Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ashauler View Post
    For posterity.

    Why would you have to check a source for pricing? Didn't you buy these sticks....couldn't you just check the receipt? Wait, these wouldn't be gifted sticks or sumptin' would they?
    One was a gifted one. The others I bought in samplers. I don't buy boxes yet.

    The one gifted I already had.. Not my taste. I seen good about it so on to the next.

  20. #320
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    Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
    One was a gifted one. The others I bought in samplers. I don't buy boxes yet.

    The one gifted I already had.. Not my taste. I seen good about it so on to the next.
    You just don't get it. What's worse, you SAY that you get it, when every post you make screams otherwise.

    So, you view this P.I.F. as a way to offload smokes you don't like? Is that what you think paying it forward is all about? "Here, Will. I thought this was a shit stick, but I bet you, a distinguished member on this board who has obviously smoked cigars before, are going to love it."

    What is it exactly about the Saint Luis Rey that you can't seem to remember sending?

    To spell this out for you, this pass is about paying it forward - thus the cleverly named title. Pass along smokes that you yourself enjoy. If you can't do that, then don't fucking play. If you don't know what qualifies, then do your homework. This isn't about sending high $ sticks, but it's not about disposing of shit you don't want to smoke, either.

    Again, you don't get it.

    Age Quod Agis

    1 Strike

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