Quote Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
Well then, they pretty plainly didn't meet the requirements. I really don't understand why....... and frankly.. I don't care at this point.

I just don't understand how it is preached to newbs how much help they can get. And like I said, once one screws up, BAM you are all over them till....... who knows when.
What a bunch of bullshit.....like you're the fucking victim here. You know what's going on here, you know what's expected.

First you show up, poke around a bit, and immediately look to get into the P.I.F. thread here. Whatever. N00b not reading the rules. It was ignored, as it should have been.

Then, you look to get into a trade here.. If I were the trader, that would be a red flag. But that's okay, because you backed out here. Maybe you thought the thread title read: 'Wanna take some free cigars I'm giving away'. You do have your own language.

Reality hits when you realize you were ignored for the P.I.F. here.

So, you thought you'd join the Newbie Sampler party here. Wait, you backed out here.

You find ANOTHER opportunity to mooch here. Then you get bitchy with everyone who voices an objection.

So, you've stumbled through 100 posts, and you get your chance at the P.I.F. thread here. You receive this on April 11th. It lands today. Seriously? After being razed over your obvious mooching and the fact that you're clearly under the fucking spotlight, you take 10 fucking days to turn this around? Unbelievable. What's absolutely mind-numbing is how defiant you are. You're the victim here. We just only beat up on newbies. I'm done with you. I'm tired of your antics and watching you bitch about how things are run here. This place was fine without you before, it will be fine with you gone as well.

Go away.