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Thread: Back from Mexico

  1. #1
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    Default Back from Mexico

    So I went to Mexico for a few days (work-related). The project is for the Minera Penasquito near Mazapil, Zacatecas. We are designing the fire protection systems for a couple warehouses, the mine truck shop, and some rock crusher equipment. I normally design systems for schools, churches, office buildings, etc. - so needless to say going to the mine was a bit of a change for me. Humbling is a good word.

    The site was just huge - as was the equipment, buildings, machinery, etc. - Check out this picture of me standing next to one of the mine trucks.

    Those be 14' diameter tires there - $500k a piece if you want to purchase one. I think they'll drop the price for set of four to $1.75M - so.

    I had to get up to the top of the mine truck shop to verify the dimension between the top of the crane to the bottom of the structural beams. The shop is a cool 70' tall, and I had to have one of those harness things cause I was walking out on the crane's catwalk to get the dimension. I tried hard to act calm, meanwhile my heart was just pounding like crazy. The other guy that I was with at the site took my picture when I was on top of the crane but he hasn't emailed it to me yet - I'll post it once I get it from him - unless you can see the tears - then I'll just claim that the picture got deleted somehow.

    One of the other things I had to do was perform a couple flow tests (for determining the available pressure and flow for the fire sprinklers). Here is a shot of me getting a pitot pressure of 38 PSI from the 4.5'' pumper outlet - that ends up being about 3,000 GPM - most water I have ever flowed. Pretty cool - I know, I am a dork... but look - water!

    It was a pretty cool trip - and amazing for me to see the scale of these mines. Here is a panoramic I took of the site - it doesn't show all of the site, but it gives you an idea.

    Last edited by buzz; 06-26-2010 at 11:07 PM. Reason: confiscated spelling issues...
    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Buzz is smoking our cigars. This probably is his triumphant scam.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Welcome back Buzz!

    Those are awesome pics. Looks like you had a blast. One question, did customs confiscate your spelling capabilities?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The GPS lady says im lost


    Welcome back Buzz, i bet you didn't stick your head in that water flow to get a drink
    designated whipping boy for the grammar police
    Just run everything threw a spell checker.

  4. #4
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    Amazing pics! Thanks!
    Just another day at the office!

  5. Default

    As an ex truck driver I'd love to drive that thing.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarsarge View Post
    As an ex truck driver I'd love to drive that thing.
    They had one of those boxcar simulators there on site for training the crew on how to drive the trucks - first I asked if I could take one of the trucks for a spin... once the laughter stopped I asked if I could try out the simulator... no dice though - bummer.

    Check out the rear end on these babies:

    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Buzz is smoking our cigars. This probably is his triumphant scam.

  7. #7
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    So I was able to photoshop out the tears to avoid embarrassment...

    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Buzz is smoking our cigars. This probably is his triumphant scam.

  8. #8


    I think that you forgot to take out the piss-stain though!

    These are actually really awesome pictures, thanks for posting them!

  9. #9
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    Rather than start another "Back from Mexico" thread, I'll just add to this one - I'm back... uh... from Mexico. The wifey and I went with some other friends down to Himalaya Bay (near San Carlos) to hang out on the beach and do some scuba diving. We had a great time relaxing and swimming with the fishes. No one for miles so the night sky was just filled with stars. Weather was a little hot during the day, but you just go jump in the ochen - and a little cold at night, but you just cuddle in the tent. That's right, I said cuddle. We even decided to carve a pumpkin...

    Ok, now back to work...

    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Buzz is smoking our cigars. This probably is his triumphant scam.

  10. #10
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    "cuddle"....I feel a little less manly reading that. Gotta grow the beard longer now.

    Nice pics Buzz. Thanks for sharing (the pictures only...not the text)

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  11. #11
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    Nice trip Buzz. Good pics, although i could have done with not seeing your feet.

  12. #12
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    Thanks for sharing. Nice pics! I hope you managed to get in a few good cigars on your trip down south...
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  13. #13
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    Default Nice pics.

    So you go fairly often then? I love Mexico.
    My grandfather lives Mexico City Ive only ever been a few times when I was younger.
    Cant wait to go back. I want to take my wife, but its a little crazy down there right now.

  14. #14
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    Nice pics! I was on vacation the same time you were!

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  15. #15
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    Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, ok not really but it sounded
    I used to build those prefab buildings like that. We used to have to free walk the beams, so I know the pucker feeling oh so well. Wasn't even as high as you were but I still never got used to it.

    Great pics and thanks for sharing them.
    My! What a nice ash you have!

    No matter where you go, there you are!

  16. #16
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    So I'm back (again), from Mexico (again), and so I figured I'd just keep using this thread. This time we flew commercial From Tucson - Dallas - Monterrey and then met up with a guy who drove us 3.5 hours to Conception del Oro (known as "Concha" to the locals). We arrived in Concha after dark and the town was completely pitch black, no power. The two hotel rooms we reserved somehow got lost, so we were without rooms and so that took some "negotiating". No running water, so I smelled great the next day. The reason for the power loss for the whole town was first said to be due to a bomb attack at the local church... then it was an electrical transformer that blew up, then it was a fireworks accident. As it turns out, the fireworks accident was correct. The entire town celebrates "Conception" (the birth of Christ) for a couple weeks and tragically, two young boys were killed in the accident. Here's a picture of what's left of the building:

    Pretty crazy stuff, luckily the power/water got turned back on the next day.

    So the reason for the trip was business, so here is a nice picture of me, taking care of business. I'm standing next to one of the ball mills, which has a bunch of steel balls rolling around in it, crushing the rock to a nice fine dust.

    No, those muscles are not photo-shopped, they are the real deal folks - 100% pure too, no roids used. Feel free to stare.

    Glad to be back, gonna go grab some scotch and a cigar now and hang up some Christmas lights with the wifey.

    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Buzz is smoking our cigars. This probably is his triumphant scam.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    The GPS lady says im lost


    Welcome back Buzz.
    designated whipping boy for the grammar police
    Just run everything threw a spell checker.

  18. Default

    You sure work around some cool equipment...That kind of stuff has always fascinated me.
    Last edited by cigarsarge; 12-13-2010 at 12:40 PM.

  19. #19
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    Good to see you back Buzz! I'll be going down to Huatulco, Mexico for new years with the wifey and the in-laws. Aparently there is some good diving down there along with white water rafting. I'll be sure to post pics!

  20. #20
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    Cool pics.

    I've driven to Monterrey before, on the way to Saltillo. If memory serves correctly about the roads in that area, 3.5 hours could very well mean you've only gone about 60 miles.

    You know, you may have guns, but next to that ball mill.......just sayin'. Just calling castle.

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