Rode the bike this am to work. A 17 yr old ran a stop sign and I hit his front end. Flipped me off the bike and I did a roll or 2 and landed in the ditch. The kid drove off and hid. The actual sheriff of Union County drove by and stopped and talked with me and by that time Candy was there since I was only 5 miles from the house. The NC Highway patrol investigated the accident and the sheriff had deputies looking high and low. About 30 min later they caught the car with the owner driving it. He had let his nephew drive it and that is who hit me. Trooper arrested the kid and charged him with hit and run w/injury -death Felony.

I got my left knee all sore and swollen up and road rash in a few places and smacked the helmet up pretty bad but I m alive . Bike is totaled and that sucks but I am thankful to be alive . It was weird that it felt like it took a full minute to quit flipping and sliding.

I was touched that 5 different people stopped and drug the bike out of the road and offered comfort until the ambulance arrived and 1 man witnessed the kid driving off and stuck around to witness for the officer and left his business card with me and said call if you need anything. I saw my life ending when I was flipping and thought how I was gonna miss my family

This may read kind of weird but I am on percocet and muscle relaxers ,woo hoooooo.