Harvested the first 1/3 of the leaves from all the plants. I've heard many terms for this priming....viso, volado, primero.....whatever you wanna call it is fine with me. I harvested a total of 54 leaves and have them curing now.


Florida Sumatra. 15 leaves harvested, largest leaf 20" x 13"

example FS leaf:

Long Red Leaf:
16 leaves harvested. largest leaf 30" x 14"

example LRL leaf:

6 leaves harvested. largest 24" x 11"

Small Stalk Black Mammoth:
17 leaves harvested. largest, and largest of the crop, 30 1/2 " X 17"

Overall view of the harvest...not a very good pic, but you get the idea:

Some ugly bastard with one of the leaves:

I hung 44 of the leaves using the same air curing method that I started with. I took 10 of the leaves and am trying a different method of color curing them. I'll detail the differences in the curing thread sometime soon.

I'll most likely prime the second 1/3 of leaves next weekend.