Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86
LMAO!!! Joshua has no clue and when he finally comes to realize just what a POS you are Scotty he won't be taking your side anymore.

Scroto your quest to make this board like the Island where it only attracts losers and outcasts will not work here. It is the opinion of many members here that your leg humping posts make this board look like it's some haven for pathetic losers (like you) who know very little about cigars and just want to sit around and blow sunshine up each other's asses.

What you cannot comprehend is that for those of us who know more about cigars than you do (which is about 80% of the active members of this board) and who aren't as arrogant as you, your actions here reflect poorly on the WHOLE BOARD and you give it a bad reputation.

I can hear people talking now "Oh yeah, that CigarSmokers place There's this one insufferable clown who's trying to make a name for himself and be a big fish in a small pond. It's so sickening that I won't post over there."

THOSE are they type of people that are "good members" that avoid this place because of you. Stupid, ignorant nooblers like Joshua have little use to this cigar board. Of course they serve a purpose TO YOU, you can build your following but to the rest of us, they are a liability here. Again, the people who are turned off by this place because of your incessant leg humping and "I'm better than you" attitude are the ones we need here, not turds like Joshua.
Ok so you think that nobody should come to the forum who doesn't want to put up with you guys all bickering in every thread about who knows what. I just joined so I don't know any of the details behind why you hate him so much and neither do I care. The whole point of a forum is to share information and discuss things. If people don't have much knowledge of the subject they can learn more and people can teach them new things. Anyone should be allowed to post as long as they post within reason. These posts are off topic really.