Preview: On election day, Nov 2, I bought me a Camacho Connecticut and had that to celebrate casting my vote, fulfilling my patriotic duty to my country. The cigar was a nice smoke. Nothing amazing, but good enough for the event I was having it for. Very mild and smooth, etc, etc. That very day in my cigar shop, I got a hold of a Camacho Liberty 60/40 Amendment XII. Now, supposedly this stogie has pre-embargo tobacco in it. Yes, that embargo. I am not going to say how creditable the stories are, or if I am 100% convinced this is true. I am just saying what I have read about this stogie. You can read for yourself on the rumors around this stick.

I have not smoked it. No, this stogie is a special and rare breed. One that deserves to be smoked on a grand occasion. I just wanted to see if anyone else had smoked this before I have it myself and put up a review.

This picture is not my own, but one I found online.

Whenever the right occasion comes, and I have this special stogie, I will be sure to come back to this thread and put my ¢2 in.

PS: I did run a search, and I did find some stuff on the Camacho Liberty, but nothing in the review of this one.