Well, well, well.

What do we have here? Not only have you NEVER been on my "good" list, I see the elves have stopped bothering putting your name on the "naughty" list altogether - you seem to be a lost hope. Seems like the extradition laws in Mexico aren't that stringent after all, and honestly, you've been a little too "comfy" with those golf clubs of yours as of late. Blow-up dolls can't be that hard to come by in Florida, are they?

So, you've recently sought out cigar bands and even more recently, cigar boxes. What are you building, a clubhouse? You're little puppet show with the cigars was nothing short of disturbing. Purple Pinky, I don't even want to KNOW what your warped, sex dungeon pet name for that Mega Review Host was. On second thought, maybe I do. PM me.

I already have a few choice Hav-A-Tampa Jewels and Muniemakers picked out for you, plus I've been saving the last few butts from the ashtray I was going to send your way. Certainly you don't want any more than that!?! Do you drink? What else are you after? Keep in mind that Santa's still on probation! I'll want pictures!

Ho! Ho! Ho!!!!!