Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
I'm leaning towards the exit-so don't sweat it.

At the same time-those of you who are upset about this episode, I just want to ask one question.

Where in the hell were you when I was being slandered repeatedly?

Where in the hell were you when these idiots morphed my pictures?

Where in the hell were you when these morons followed me from thread to thread?

Pretty inconsistent of you I'd say. I don't regret a damn thing. After going through all of this shit with these guys, NOW you have something to say!? How precious. Get off of your knees in front of these guys and have some balls. The mods don't have any, and the more vocal ones of you have strangely gone silent about them. I wonder why that is? Yeah, suck up to them and put up with their arrogant attitudes. I personally, will spend time elsewhere. Why do you think I've gotten rid of the avatar and siggy? Amazing how you tolerate this crap just so you can be on a board with them. Personally, I'll associate myself with others thank you very much.
I dont know where to start. i guess first off with a formal apology if i ever defended this dickwad piece of SHIT! and mostly because i didnt know the whole story and the person. granted, hearing about him in every other thread was annoying. but i had no idea who . . . nay WHAT this THING was like.

its one thing to rig a contest, its another to seem almost bi-polar by changine your mind about sending the sticks 8 times in about 4 minutes . . . but you have the nerve, the digusting asshole motherfucking dickless transvestite left wing demoralizing scumbag piece of shit nerve to dishonor men and women that are risking bullets comin through the middle of their forhead on a daily basis as they think of that little girl they left behind screaming "daddy dont go" all to keep YOU from learning arabic????????

i hate you, and everything you stand for you piece of garbage motherfucker. get the fuck out of here and take your piece of shit bi-polar greedy, unhonorable selfish leftist ideals with you.


i reiterate, im sorry for ever saying anything that might have been misconstrued(sp?) as a defense for this traitor. i hope you get fucked by a camel you loser