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Thread: Order now and pay after the cigar(s) are received. - Cubans

  1. Default

    I will for now give you the BOTD, as it does smell quite cuban. However, Ian, that band is NOT authentic. That band is an Obvious Fake. Just because (and I reserve my thoughts until after I smoke it) a cigar is made in Cuba, or even from real Cuban Tobacco, that does not make it a "COHIBA ESPLENDIDO". It also does NOT make it nearly as valuable as the real thing. A fake cuban Cohiba is not even worth what you charge for shipping, honestly.

  2. #42


    Like you have so much experience buying Cubans there PuroMooch.

    Caveat Emptor folks, plain and simple! Seen this gig many times, total bullshit!

  3. Default

    Lee, just because I do not have experience buying cubans, as you certainly do, does not mean that I am somehow unqualified to offer an oppinion of the cigar that I have in my possession. No, I doubt that I would be able to conclusively determine the authinticity of a Cuban Cohiba, but I can tell others what I think of it. And by looks alone, I think it is fake.

    Based on what I have posted here in regards to this topic, what reason have you got to come into this thread and try to trash me?

    None? that is what I thought.

    If everyone else here feels as you do, that my oppinion here is useless, then I will feel fine keeping that oppinion to myself. So, you guys tell me, do you want to here what I have to say about this cigar? Or would you, like Lee, think my oppinion is useless.

    However, Lee is right, Caveat Emptor does appear to fit here.

  4. #44


    I say this Michael, take your leg-humping arse and follow Scrote out the door.

    The last thing I want to read in here is a mooch's opinion on buying Cuban cigar, that's a joke!


  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by RealPurobrat
    I will for now give you the BOTD, as it does smell quite cuban. However, Ian, that band is NOT authentic. That band is an Obvious Fake. Just because (and I reserve my thoughts until after I smoke it) a cigar is made in Cuba, or even from real Cuban Tobacco, that does not make it a "COHIBA ESPLENDIDO". It also does NOT make it nearly as valuable as the real thing. A fake cuban Cohiba is not even worth what you charge for shipping, honestly.
    The cigars I sell are definitely from Cuba however they were not bought from a dealer. They are bought from street contacts in Cuba. I know these cigars should smoke and taste exactly as the ones from the regular dealers as they are from the same origin. If there is a difference in the bands, I still can testify these Cigars are from Cuba.

    Other items my source brings in from Cuba are:

    Beers – Bucanero

    These items are not easily forged

    Maybe I should market these Cigars as black market Cuban cigars, but they are from Cuba.

    Please post your opinion after you smoke it

  6. Default

    Still spreading your filth about me huh? I guess you will never grow up and act like a man, will you? Looks like you still think of yourself as The High Ruler as well. I really don't care if you want to hear my opinion, as you are NOT the only one who matters, sorry to say.

    This is a community of which I am a member, and if the community wishes me to STFU. then I will do just that. You however are NOT the whole community, and since I am absolutely positive that what you say about me is a fabrication in your mind, since I know that you are totally wrong about me, I can only conclude that you have no ability to properly judge other people. So what you say about anyone is suspect as far as I am concerned. I am also of a mind to believe that my opinions are just as valid as yours on most topics one might see on these boards. I don't agree with your opinions quite often, but I do NOT feel the need to post a STFU every time you speak. I am a little too grown up to act in such a sophomoric way.

    Thank you for your input.

  7. #47


    That has got to be the shittest counterfeit Cohiba band I have ever seen!

    Do us a favor and shake that Esplendildo over a sheet of white paper first . Any obvious rodent feces fall out?

    No matter how much of a fugtard moochass motherfugger I believe you happen to be Puobrat, you are under no obligation to smoke that turd of a cigar.

    A review would be entertaining though.

    Be warned, I believe you may have another cigar of equal caliber also being shipped to you.

    Why not send one to Scroto, he'll smoke anything!


    Disclaimer: All views made on The Hugh Jorgan Show ® are the opinion of Hugh Jorgan Productions, Inc. ® and do not reflect the views of our sponsors.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
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    Quote Originally Posted by RealPurobrat
    Still spreading your filth about me huh? I guess you will never grow up and act like a man, will you? Looks like you still think of yourself as The High Ruler as well. I really don't care if you want to hear my opinion, as you are NOT the only one who matters, sorry to say.

    This is a community of which I am a member, and if the community wishes me to STFU. then I will do just that. You however are NOT the whole community, and since I am absolutely positive that what you say about me is a fabrication in your mind, since I know that you are totally wrong about me, I can only conclude that you have no ability to properly judge other people. So what you say about anyone is suspect as far as I am concerned. I am also of a mind to believe that my opinions are just as valid as yours on most topics one might see on these boards. I don't agree with your opinions quite often, but I do NOT feel the need to post a STFU every time you speak. I am a little too grown up to act in such a sophomoric way.

    Thank you for your input.
    Puro (if that really is you, I'm not sure...) just STFU. I will actually give you some reasons why so here goes.

    Lee is not "spreading any filth" about you, your reputation is a product of your own making, it's not anyone elses fault but your own. What Lee says about you is "not a fabrication in (his) mind" but rather generally the truth about you, statements you make, they way you treat people and the fact that you use the "poor me" angle just a little too often.

    Your ridiculous babble about "High Ruler", etc. is wearing thin. Lee is highly thought of and highly respected by many people in the cigar community. Are you jealous of that or something? It sure seems that you are, you and Scotty both. YOU may "conclude" that Lee has no ability to properly judge other people but there are a whole lot of people who disagree with you 100%. Many new people rely on veterans like Lee to "judge" people so we don't get taken advantage of in passes, trades or take bad advice from people who really don't know WTF they're talking about.

    Yes, everyone has a right to their opinion but some opinions are far more valuable than others. For example, I'll tell you right now with 100% certainty that my opinion on how to restore and/or repair a Series III Jaguar XJ6 is a hell of a lot more valuable than yours, no offense but this is just a plain fact. Kind of like on this board when Scotty would spread around his BS about whatever subject he was trying to prove to everyone how smart he was when in fact he had no first hand knowledge on the subject (raising children through their teen years is the one that first comes to my mind and there are many others).

    Lastly, DO NOT GIVE US THIS BULLSHIT about how YOU are:
    a little too grown up to act in such a sophomoric way.
    On the contrary, you have more of a propensity to act like an immature child than almost anyone I've ever seen post on these boards. And don't you dare argue with me on this one 'cause I'll go start finding the posts

    All that being said:

    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  9. #49


    This can't be the real Purofat, he spelled too many words correctly! LMFAO

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
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    Quote Originally Posted by
    The cigars I sell are definitely from Cuba however they were not bought from a dealer. They are bought from street contacts in Cuba. I know these cigars should smoke and taste exactly as the ones from the regular dealers as they are from the same origin. If there is a difference in the bands, I still can testify these Cigars are from Cuba.

    Other items my source brings in from Cuba are:

    Beers – Bucanero

    These items are not easily forged

    Maybe I should market these Cigars as black market Cuban cigars, but they are from Cuba.

    Please post your opinion after you smoke it

    So you just admitted they are


    They WHY put the fakes bands on them then? What you are engaging in is forgery, pure and simple!!!! You "market" them by putting fake bands on them. You are nothing but a blad faced LIAR when you tell us that they are from Cuba. You have no credibility, how can anyone believe you?

    You are a certified PIECE OF SHIT.

    Hex, will you freakin' BAN this jerkoff? This is getting ridiculous.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  11. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by
    The cigars I sell are definitely from Cuba however they were not bought from a dealer. They are bought from street contacts in Cuba. I know these cigars should smoke and taste exactly as the ones from the regular dealers as they are from the same origin. If there is a difference in the bands, I still can testify these Cigars are from Cuba.

    Other items my source brings in from Cuba are:

    Beers – Bucanero

    These items are not easily forged

    Maybe I should market these Cigars as black market Cuban cigars, but they are from Cuba.

    Please post your opinion after you smoke it

    Can you send me some cuban meat to sample too?

    Please toss in some cheese to if available!

    Same Santo,Texas address, thank you!


    Disclaimer: All views made on The Hugh Jorgan Show ® are the opinion of Hugh Jorgan Productions, Inc. ® and do not reflect the views of our sponsors.

  12. Default Black market Cuban cigars

    Just to reiterate these cigars I sell are definitely from Cuba however they were not bought from an official dealer; they are bought from street contacts in Cuba. I know these cigars smoke and taste exactly as the ones from the regular dealers as they are from the same origin.

    Potential customers who are interested in purchasing them feel free to contact me and they will be sent with the intention that payment will be sent if they are satisfied. I am confident these cigars will smoke and taste exactly as the ones purchased from the original dealers in Cuba.

  13. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by
    Just to reiterate these cigars I sell are definitely from Cuba however they were not bought from an official dealer; they are bought from street contacts in Cuba. I know these cigars smoke and taste exactly as the ones from the regular dealers as they are from the same origin.

    Potential customers who are interested in purchasing them feel free to contact me and they will be sent with the intention that payment will be sent if they are satisfied. I am confident these cigars will smoke and taste exactly as the ones purchased from the original dealers in Cuba.

    No matter how many times you repeat yourself, these cigars are still going to taste like ass.


    Disclaimer: All views made on The Hugh Jorgan Show ® are the opinion of Hugh Jorgan Productions, Inc. ® and do not reflect the views of our sponsors.

  14. #54


    Farm cigars, Cuban tobacco but not the real deal. I've had them, I'll pass....

  15. #55
    Iced T Guest


    "Street contacts..."

  16. Default

    Yes Bill, I will conclude that Lee may be more of an authority than me on many subjects. Cigars is certainly one of them. However, no matter what you think, he is still wrong about me, as are you. Fortunately, this does not cause me to lose any sleep. No I am NOT jealous of Lee, as you claim. There is nobody here or anywhere else that I am jealous of. Except maybe a little jealous that you know more about Jags than me, but I bet I will live through it. As for STFU, I will refrain from saying the same to you, but I will be hoping for it, none the less.

    I do think, however, that an opinion about a cigar from one who holds in his hand the exact cigar in question, and will smoke said cigar, would be far more valuable to the community as a whole, than one from someone who has not seen or tasted the cigar in question. If you dispute that, then you are truly out of your mind.

    As for that cigar, I can say without reservation that it is NOT a Cohiba. And I do not think you will find anyone who would not agree with me on that. Especially if they too, saw the cigar.

    As for Lee's comment:
    Farm cigars, Cuban tobacco but not the real deal. I've had them, I'll pass....
    ... I trust that this is likely to be spot on, as to me it certainly smells cuban, at least to my limited ability to detect it.

    Please try to remember that the ONLY reason I posted about this, is that I was sent one, and thought it would be proper for me to post about it, since this seller is making the claims that you have undoubtedly already read. This is not posted because I think I am so good at discerning the origin of a cigar. It is simply that I have one, where most others here do not.

  17. #57


    STFU already PuroMooch and torch the damn thing.


    Disclaimer: All views made on The Hugh Jorgan Show ® are the opinion of Hugh Jorgan Productions, Inc. ® and do not reflect the views of our sponsors.

  18. #58


    No doubt you were on the receiving end of a freebie there Puromooch....

  19. #59


    I woneder what Hex is waiting for. This clown clearly is clearly selling fake Cohibas. He says they are cuban, but not from regular vendors.. from some "street contact". I guess selling fake Cohiba Cubans on this board is in line with the rules? Sheesh.

  20. #60


    What a meat head!!! You really thought you had something going!!!

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