So in a world where they make comic book movies every week and then remake them every other why would a Green Hornet movie be a good idea? Now here me out, it was actually a good movie. The reason it was good was the only reason I had went to see it and that's Seth Rogen. I liked Pineapple Express for what it was and loved Funny People although the movie didn't know when to end. He's a very good comedy writer and a decent comedian. To be fair once the cast commented to making a silly comedy as opposed to a superhero movie it worked.

There are alot of interesting actors. The Asian costar, Jay Chou, has some decent moves and is very funny. Also Christoph Waltz (Hanz Landar the main villain from Inglorious Bastards) maybe the funniest one in there. An aging Cameron Diaz does her thing as well. Very funny bit where Seth Rogen and her go back and forth concerning her age. Im not old enough to know first hand the old green hornet TV show although I did catch the Adam West Batman episodes where the Green hornet and Kato did cameos in syndication. They do a nice job of paying homage to the source stuff. At some points Jay Chou whistles the theme to the original and there are some shout outs to Bruce Lee. To sum it up it's a fun one and out that does an excellent job of making fun of itself and the absurdity of the situation. If you got time to waste it's a good bet. If I had to rate it I'd probably go 3.5 stars out of 5.