My oldest son turns 18 on September 2 of this year. I want to do something really special for him for the occasion. His birth year was 1993 and I am going to do a time capsule by building a nice sturdy box- lamenating baby pics and other keepsakes from his birth period on the box. I have started obtaining contents over the last couple months- magazines from his birth month, stamps, coins, sports cards, comics etc.

I know this is a wild stab, but I am asking my fellow BOTLs to help. If you have anything from 1993 that you could part with and would make a cool addition to the time capsule chest, please reach out to me. I am willing to purchase or trade cigars of course.

Some of the cooler items I am still looking for-

Cigar from 1993
Any cigar bands bearing the year 1993 on the label
Cigar Aficianado (fall 1993)
Rolling Stone Mag (9/2/93)- Jerry Garcia cover.

More sports cards, mags, stamps, coins and comics

I am also open to any ideas you creative fugger's have.....
