This board has given me a great deal since I've been a member so it's time to give back. I've never done a cigar contest so I would appreciate your understanding if it's confusing. Here's the contest:

I'll be finishing up my studies pretty soon for my MBA and as a little gift to ourselves, my wife and I are going on a vacation. So, what the hell does that mean to you?

Well, the first person to guess the following things correctly wins a Denver sampler.

1. What state are we visiting?
2. What town will we be visiting?
3. What date do we depart on our trip (It's a Thursday)?

The rules are:

  • Must have 100 posts to participate
  • Must live in CONUS (Sorry Canadian BOTL's but I don't possess the patience or experience to ship internationally)
  • Must be in goodstanding (I'll let the members decide if there are any questions)
  • Can guess as many times as you'd like
  • I reserve the right of judgement on any answers
  • Contest runs until someone guesses all three corectly

I will provide hints as things move along.