Quote Originally Posted by CptnBlues63 View Post
Nice research Joe!

I recall those passages now that you've found them and posted them.

While I didn't think anything of them at the time I read them, in light of the last episode of the show and this discussion, it certainly does make it seem more likely than not. Of course, having the author come out and say it makes it concrete!

Renly is “gay in the books, too,” says George R.R. Martin, the author of the bestselling novels. But online chatter suggests that not every reader picked that fact up.

Obviously I'm one of the ones that didn't pick up on it! My wife never tires of pointing out to me that while I can spot a deer or moose or elk several miles away through bush in a blizzard, I often miss things right in front of me. She's going to get a chuckle out of telling me again when I show this to her!

I stand corrected (oh if only it were the first time I had to say that.......LOL)
Hey man I didn't pick it up either. I did find it odd that Renly's guard is the Rainbow Guard but didn't assume that meant he was gay. Interestingly enough Martin has said that the fact that his guard was the Rainbow Guard and that the rainbow is a homosexual symbol were actually not connected. Weird.