Quote Originally Posted by CptnBlues63 View Post
One last thing. An iPad can't compare to a Kindle in a side-by-side contest. It loses the second you have any sunlight shining on the screen.
Definitely- my wife bought me an ipad for Christmas, which I rarely use for reading as I prefer books also and it's not very easy on the eyes for long periods of reading (to me atleast). I got her a Kindle for Valentine's day and she's hooked- she's finishing probably an extra two books a month and most of the books are cheaper to download than to buy in a book store.

(Just to stay on topic) When I do get the GoT books, they will be regular books for me...I stare at screens all day at work, I don't want to read a book on my ipad when I get home and she hogs the kindle all the time...