Question on my mind. Some of you may find it personal so understood if you just skim this. What is your mantra on mental state and cigar smoking?

I am not a daily smoker, yet, so I light up 2 maybe 3 times a week tops. I tend to follow the same rule with cigars as I do alcohol meaning that I never partake when I am in a bad mood. (bad mood can cover a nervous, angry, or depressed state of mind). My personal reason for this is I see cigars as a treat, a little something extra, and don't want to run to them to ease my wounds or fears. Again this is my personal belief according to standards I only hold myself to.

Today though I am traveling for business and had a very stressful day with the possibility that everything I have done today will only translate to wasted time and money. Although I am not in direct fault you know how these things go in the grown up world and Im sure if worse comes to worse I'll at least get a look. At the end of the day I did take a time out to recollect my thoughts and run events through my mind. I did so with a small cigar and a cup of coffee in direct contradiction to my rule. The cigar was good but definitely didn't help my anxiousness, This got me to thinking of what state of mind others who share my habit like to be in. So the question is posed....