Some of the cigar reviews I read state some pretty funky flavors and tastes that really sound as though the reviewer is taking the piss and living in fantasy land...
For me, some cigars are more tasty than others and i can pick out some of the flavors and, with a bit of imagination i can almost understand some of the funky flavors the reviewers mention - but this took some time to distinguish from the plain old taste of tobacco i got from all cigars when i first began smoking...
For me, I found Gurkha cigars helped to develop my tastes and often have pretty distinctive flavors i can pick out, but now i'm getting flavors on a broad range of 'gars.

So what about everyone else - how much flavor do you get out of a cigar, what are your most tastiest and distinctive cigars, and how long did it take you to develop your nose and start making taste distinctions?