My wife and I had to make the heart-breaking decision to say goodbye to our Denali. She'd been Alina's best pal for 15 years, and mine for 5. I'm crying as I type this - it's funny how attached you can get to an animal who just loves you so unconditionally. She always wanted to be with us, wherever we went. She loved to be in the car - even when she was too weak and unbalanced to get in herself she just wanted to go with us. We took her everywhere, even when I would just go into the office on the weekend to get some stuff done she'd come with me. The past year she has been steadily going downhill and we knew that her time was about up. We probably put off having her put down too long, but we were having a hard time making that final decision. She loved the water. She got to eat lobster once. She rode with me in a 2 seat roadster through the Salt River Canyon, and she smiled the whole time. She was a great friend. Man I miss her a lot. So does Alina.