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Thread: problem with himidor at 80 instead of 72 CAN ANYONE HELP

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  1. Default problem with himidor at 80 instead of 72 CAN ANYONE HELP


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    Default problem with himidor at 80 instead of 72 CAN ANYONE HELP

    Вы - гребаный идиот. Установка для увлажнения, который я не буду знать горячий написать и я - хныкающий панк, который занимается мастурбацией регулярно.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  3. #3
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    You make the last part sound bad?
    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  4. Default

    Ya really Will
    The older I get ,the better I was

  5. Default

    When I had the same problem ,I added a little toilet water then It worked ever since.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86 View Post
    Вы - гребаный идиот. Установка для увлажнения, который я не буду знать горячий написать и я - хныкающий панк, который занимается мастурбацией регулярно.
    Его единственная сука в том, что он использует множество бритвы для бритья ладони.

  7. #7
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    Это миф. Поверьте мне.

    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Это миф. Поверьте мне.

    Ну, я никогда не придет в голову допрос хозяина.

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    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  10. #10
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    Yes, but you didn't say the magic word.

  11. #11
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    I have facts for those who think and arguments for those who reason. Without going into all the gory details, let's just say that Scott S should stop calling me an unpatriotic sad sack. Although I've been called worse things by better people, Scott maintains that he is the arbiter of all things. This is complete—or at least, incomplete—baloney. For instance, Scott fails to mention that he's like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. Pull back the curtain of careerism and you'll see an impulsive windbag hiding behind it, furiously pulling the levers of gangsterism in an eccentric attempt to emphasize the negative in our lives instead of accentuating the positive. That sort of discovery should make any sane person realize that as soon as Scott found the resources to do so he lost no time in contaminating or cutting off our cities' water supply. The inevitable followed: Malevolent euphuists started seizing control of the power structure. The scariest part of all of this is that Scott maintains that it's okay if his animadversions initially cause our quality of life to degrade because "sometime", "someone" will do "something" "somehow" to counteract that trend. This is hardly the case. Rather, there is growing evidence that says, to the contrary, that he seems unable to think of turns of speech that aren't hackneyed. What really grates on my nerves, however, is that Scott's prose consists less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning than of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated henhouse.

    Somebody has to kick butt and take names. That somebody can be you. In any case, we are observing the change in our society's philosophy and values from freedom and justice to corruption, decay, cynicism, and injustice. All of these "values" are artistically incorporated in one person: Scott S. I mean, really.

    For the purpose of this discussion, let's say that once you understand Scott's recommendations, you have a responsibility to do something about them. To know, to understand, and not to act, is an egregious sin of omission. It is the sin of silence. It is the sin of letting Scott make my blood curdle.

    Having said that, let me add that Scott always demands instant gratification. That's all that is of concern to him; nothing else matters—except maybe to scapegoat easy, unpopular targets, thereby diverting responsibility from more culpable parties. I tell you this because talking about Scott in the highly charged vortex of incendiarism is always burdened with agitation and diversion. We can therefore extrapolate that Scott doesn't want us to give direction to a universal human development of culture, ethics, and morality. He would rather we settle for the meatless bone of exhibitionism.

    If one believes statements like, "We can all live together happily without laws, like the members of some 1960s-style dope-smoking commune," one is, in effect, supporting disaffected wankers. If my own experience has taught me anything, it's that Scott's opinion is that our only chance of saving the planet is to accept unending regulations and straightjacket "reforms" from his pals. Of course, opinions are like sphincters: we all have them. So let me tell you my opinion. My opinion is that some people think it's a bit extreme of me to expose some of Scott's quarrelsome deeds—a bit over the top, perhaps. Well, what I ought to remind such people is that it would be nugatory to discuss Scott's orations without first mentioning that Scott has no ground and no right to smear and defame me. Scott will almost certainly tiptoe around that glaringly evident fact because if he didn't, you might come to realize that his perceptions are frowsy, poisonous to young minds, and disrespectful to Western values and achievements. Do I blame society for this? No, I blame Scott.

    I understand that I never thought I would live to see the day that a petulant, yawping nutcase like Scott could manage to progressively enlarge and increasingly centralize the means of oppression, exploitation, violence, and destruction, but we ought to put to rest pernicious and sanctimonious long-term goals such as Scott's. That'll make Scott think once—I would have said "twice" but I don't see any indication that he has previously given any thought to the matter—before trying to use terms of opprobrium such as "conceited, shabby duffers" and "biggety shirkers" to castigate whomever he opposes. I don't know if I speak for anybody but myself on this, but he yields to the mammalian desire to assert individuality by attracting attention. Unfortunately, for Scott, "attracting attention" usually implies "perpetrating acts of the most salacious character". Those who have most injured and oppressed humanity, who have most deeply sinned against it, are, according to Scott's standards and conscience, good people. Apparently, bad people are those who have noticed that Scott has declared that he's staging a revolt against everyone who dares to raise simple-minded yahoos out of their cultural misery and lead them to the national community as a valuable, united factor. Scott is revolting all right; the very sight of him turns my stomach. All kidding aside, prolix hermits in general, and Scott in particular, intend to advocate Scott's subliminal psywar campaigns amid a hue and cry as reprehensible as it is effete. I know you're wondering why I just wrote that. I'll explain shortly, but first, I should state that Scott denies that he has been treating people like pudibund parvenus. His denials clearly contradict reports from eyewitnesses who saw him using paid informants and provocateurs to perpetuate myths that glorify absolutism. I'd like to see Scott spin his way out of that one.

    One of the great mysteries of modern life is, Why does Scott have to be such a party pooper? The answer to that question has broad implications. For example, Scott once had the audacity to tell me that cannibalism, wife-swapping, and the murder of infants and the elderly are acceptable behavior. My riposte was that I have never been in favor of being gratuitously hideous. I have also never been in favor of sticking my head in the sand or of refusing to upbraid him for being so vapid. I've already said this a thousand times and with a thousand different phrasings, but documents written by Scott's apparatchiks typically include the line, "The sky is falling", in large, 30-point type, as if the size of the font gives weight to the words. In reality, all that that fancy formatting really does is underscore the fact that Scott thinks it's good that his pleas spew forth ignorance and prejudice. It is difficult to know how to respond to such monumentally misplaced values, but let's try this: He and his acolytes are recalcitrant peculators. This is not set down in complaint against them but merely as analysis.

    If I try really, really hard, I can almost see why Scott would want to commit confrontational, in-your-face acts of violence, intimidation, and incivility. He would have you believe that it is patriotic to deface property with racially and sexually derogatory epithets and offensive symbols. At least, that certainly seems to be the implication in several of the accounts I've heard. He has a strategy. His strategy is to fund a vast web of mean-spirited gaberlunzies, overbearing hedonists, and ignorant mouthpieces for daffy, worthless solipsism. Wherever you encounter that strategy, you are dealing with Scott. Okay, then, let's move onto the really good part of this letter, the part in which I get to tell you that his hysteria-producing opinions are sufficient to give pause to the less thoughtful among us. "Oh, oh," such people think. "We'd better help Scott redefine humanity as alienated machines/beasts and then convince everyone that they were never human to begin with—just in case."

    This probably does not affect your daily life, but it is a fact. If you think about it you'll see that Scott's muddleheaded, savage cajoleries are merely a distraction. They're just something to generate more op-ed pieces, more news conferences for media talking heads, and more punditry from people like me. Meanwhile, Scott's worshippers are continuing their quiet work of advancing Scott's real goal, which is to demand that loyalty to disorderly, fastidious enemies of the people supersedes personal loyalty. The biggest difference between me and Scott is that Scott wants to test another formula for silencing serious opposition. I, on the other hand, want to navigate a safe path between the Scylla of Scott's blathering schemes and the Charybdis of feudalism.

    Calling Scott's trained seals xenophobic spielers may be accurate, but I will never give up. I will never stop trying. And I will use every avenue possible to discuss, openly and candidly, a vision for a harmonious, multiracial society. The bottom line is that I am growing weary—and wary—of Scott S's purblind, sinister undertakings.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

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    I fixed my truck today. 4x4 still doesn't work.

    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  13. #13
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    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  14. #14
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    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

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