I've been traveling a lot for work recently and it has given me the opportunity to see some really awesome locations! So here's the contest, figure out where my work has taken me. The rules are fairly simple, look at the picture below and guess where I was this past weekend.

I am looking for the name of the location shown below. It needs to be specific, I don't care if you think you were close, if it's not precise it's not going to win. The winner will get a selection of sticks from my humidor shipped to them when I return home on Friday (or Saturday, I don't actually have a return flight yet)!!

I'm going to limit this to one guess per person per day. First person to get the location gets the prize pack. I will add another new picture every day if I can get online until it is guessed. If no one guesses it by the time that I get home I'll pick the closest guess.

With that being said... this picture was taken TODAY (October 23, 2011), I hope that helps. GOOD LUCK