I'm running the Seattle Marathon a week from Sunday and figured a contest was in order for the occasion. The closest guess of my finishing time in hrs:mins:secs gets a fiver of my best Acids and White Owls

Asshats need not apply & I'll make the final determination of status if there's a question. Of course, if there's a question, that's prolly your answer Everyone gets one guess & no editing once it's posted!

A couple of hints: My best 20 mile pace without crashing is 10:45 but pace tends to pick up during a race. The course is pretty difficult with hills at the beginning and end. The weather is generally shitty this time of year but can vary wildly. Last year it snowed two days before and then was decent the day of the race. I'm hoping for under 5 hours but it's my first so ultimately anything other than DNF is a win I'll post my bib number for verification after I pick up my race packet next week. The contest closes 11/26.
