Hey All

This is my First post here and I just wanted to introduce myself .Im from the worlds most famous beach and rather new to cigars. I must admit that these beauties have been something I should have been introduced to years ago..

I used to smoke cigarettes, but had to give that up as I am an avid Gym bum and inhaling tobacco isnt conducive to my cardioid-vascular .

I always loved the smell of those Gars when my Uncle (who happened to be the same guy who introduced me to tattooing ,and now Im at it 20 years) would come by to visit and the smell of the walk in humidor at the local shop, its quite intoxicating ..Im sure yall understand exactly what I mean

Anyways .Im self employed and a WW2 Re-enactor and longtime weightlifter(not body builder ,I like to eat real food..lol)..

I love to read ,be strong in mind and body, and the smell of a good cigar.

Thanks for taking the time to hear me out .

Happy New years!