Hi there! Im new to this forum but have been smoking cigars for the past year and want need some reccomendations. I used to smoke mostly macundo cheap @$$ cigars, they taste like shit and make me not want to smoke cigars, atleast the ones i was smoking. I tried CAO cigars and wasnt crazy about them either, too bitter or something. Then I got a recomendation from a smoking hot girl I met at the bar to try and Ashton VSG... bought one for $25, and fell in love. The salesman said it was one of the best, and for $25 per cigar it ought to be, although im sure thats not much for you guys.

Im looking to buy some value cigars that might be able to compare to the ashton vsg but for lesser price. I like something mild in general. I smoke a cigar once a week, and will smoke half the cigar and then save the other half for the next time because the ones Ive been able to afford are total crap...

Also If you know of any packages that I could like buy in bulk that come with a quality cigar box/humidor I am interested. Also if you know any brands I should try let me know. Thank you!!!