So I am fairly new to cigar smoking, and I just got a real humidor a few months ago. Before then, I was using a Mason jar humidor, and a xikar travel humidor. So ever since I began using that humador for all of my cigars, I have noticed a taste that I can't figure out. Now its possible that I have become acclimated to smoking cigars at a horrible rh, but for some reason it seems that something has seriously changed. In the beginning of every cigar, I notice a taste that almost reminds me in some way of spanish cedar. I believe that because of me noticing this after putting some sticks in a new humidor, my mind can't stop connecting the taste with the spanish cedar. Anyways, its possible that my cigars are way too humid in their new humidor, or its possible that they aren't getting enough moisture, or its also possible that I have no idea how they should taste because I have been smoking all cigars out of the same glass jar humidor for months. So if anyone knows the taste im talking about, or if anyone has any theories, I would love to hear them. Also, it seems like im worse at picking out the flavors now than I was before .