Hey all,
Sorry for disappearing for as long as I have as life has taken some interesting twists and turns. I won't get into all the details, but let's just say life right now is keeping me on my toes. I haven't logged in in so long since I haven't smoked a cigar since I last logged in, that is, up until today. I had a Power that was gifted to me by a Brother awhile back while watching the Georgetown-Iowa State game, then the Penguins-Flyers, then went to the local cigar shop and picked up a little Cohiba Natural and a Nub Connecticut for next weeks games. I don't get to smoke in the house, but my Mom and I have been watching NCAA BB and she's cool with me smoking cigars inside. It's nice to smoke inside considering part of the reason that I haven't smoked one in ages is because the weather has been non-cigar friendly here.

I won't be participating in any reviews or anything for awhile, but I just thought I would let you know that yes, I am still around, and, if you are interested, can be found quite easily on FB if you care to chatter.

For the old ones, good to see you, and for the new ones, it's nice to meet you!
I'll be seeing you all again real soon.