Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
I'm no expert.

I have a spiral bound notebook that I use when I do a cigar review. I do the following order:

Overall Impression

Now, for me the overall impression is what I would refer to later as a yes/no for picking up some smokes. Oftentimes, a cigar I may say in the overall impression is "pretty good, I would pick up a 5er" becomes a faded memory. Only the real extremes are easy to recall and make buying decisions.

You could probably simply it if it wasn't for a review format. You could probably just jot down a few notes, tape the label on there and be done.

I usually jot down other stuff like date smoked / drink / tunes I was listening to but they're pretty much peripheral. Maybe the date is important especially if 5 years later you come back to a "buy a box of these" on a CI special...might want to just sample a 5er in that case to be sure.

NICE Advice - thanks!