Scavenger Hunt!

The first person to post (in this thread) hyperlinks to posts containing at least 15 of the following items wins the challenge.

Posts must be from
Cheating (editing/creating posts to contain scavenger "items") is not allowed.
Links must be numbered matching the items (to make it easier to verify).
Time stamp determines winner.
All posts must exist in the public area of the forum (not in the private team sub-forums)
This can be a team effort, but only one member from the team (whoever posts the links in this thread) will be awarded the points.
Winner will receive 1,500 additional points for Round 5.

Scavenger items:
1. A post with at least 8 smileys in it (quoted smileys count, but not signature smileys)
2. A post with nothing but CAPITAL LETTERS
3. A post containing someone's personal phone number (with area code)
4. A post with a picture of the Picard facepalm
5. A post containing a Russian word written in the Russian language
6. A post that is the 19th post of a thread
7. A post by Mangyrat with at least 3 sentences without any spelling errors
8. Three posts in a row made by the same person (Buzz's Mega Review posts don't count)
9. A post where someone edited it to just say "Good bye"
10. A post that is the exact copy of a previous post made by a different user
11. A funny meltdown post
12. A post asking a question that has nothing to do with cigars
13. A post with no capital letters, no punctuation, no smileys, and no numbers in it
14. A post with a picture of a kangaroo
15. A post containing 5 spelling errors
16. A post with exactly 19 characters (including punctuation)
17. A post where plume vs. mold is explained
18. A post where "Happy Birthday" is said to the wrong person
19. A post with only 3 charactors in it
20. A post that makes us laugh out loud