I'm so glad I found this board, I need to vent. I have my own factory/sales office so I make a living off the cigar industry, so i have a certain respect/love for it. Lately i can't help but feel disrespected by certain laws and political pressur that our goverment is applying to the industry. Everything seems to be harder just because my business is a 'cigar business'. It took me 4 months just to find a credit card merchant company to work with me, I applied with over 30 different companies and they all rejected me because visa/mastercard have been pressured by lawmakers on working with tobacco. Even getting an account for shipping with UPS has been a pain, they require you to sign certain contracts and make the process more difficult. Advertising is a pain, google.com has been giving me a hard time and i still havent gotten them to work with me. I'm sorry...but i just really needed to vent. I feel like the cigar industry is being treated unfairly by our government.