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Thread: I'm New

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingbeefy View Post
    Welcome samurai. Congrats, it looks like your intro thread may become a multi pager.
    That's not even fuckin' remotely funny. Some things are better left in one's head. The probability of a laugh is much higher.

  2. #22
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    No offense was intended. It was just surprising to me what was happening with what was meant to be a simple intro thread. That is all.

  3. Default

    You all should calm down. Buzz and I simply don't like each other. It happens.

    Do draft dodgers have reunions? And if so what do they talk about?

  4. #24


    Maybe I am more familiar with Doc's sense of humor, but I'm struggling to see how what he said could be construed as anything but a joke. The sheer ludicrousness of suggesting someone is a child molester because they prefer young bovines to mature ones kind of points in that direction, at least to me. If there was bad blood before between them, then really anything one says could set the other off. And that's fine, we can't all get along. But I think taking offense that Doc seriously meant Buzz is a pedophile is going a bit over the top. All in my opinion of course.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoeCizlak View Post
    Maybe I am more familiar with Doc's sense of humor, but I'm struggling to see how what he said could be construed as anything but a joke. The sheer ludicrousness of suggesting someone is a child molester because they prefer young bovines to mature ones kind of points in that direction, at least to me. If there was bad blood before between them, then really anything one says could set the other off. And that's fine, we can't all get along. But I think taking offense that Doc seriously meant Buzz is a pedophile is going a bit over the top. All in my opinion of course.
    I've had to read and think everything over - and I concur. I do not believe Doc was trying to insinuate buzz was an actual pedophile because he preferred calves over heffers - any more than buzz was certain Doc was an idiot for not tasting chocolate.

    However - I think it's very clear. Buzz does not apparently care for doc - and doc apparently does not care for buzz. While I would ask both to reconsider, I think that it's okay if they don't like one another. It is what it is...

    I believe I know both of them well enough to say they are growed up enough to do just fine agreeing to disagree.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    I've had to read and think everything over - and I concur. I do not believe Doc was trying to insinuate buzz was an actual pedophile because he preferred calves over heffers - any more than buzz was certain Doc was an idiot for not tasting chocolate.

    However - I think it's very clear. Buzz does not apparently care for doc - and doc apparently does not care for buzz. While I would ask both to reconsider, I think that it's okay if they don't like one another. It is what it is...

    I believe I know both of them well enough to say they are growed up enough to do just fine agreeing to disagree.
    I don't understand.

    Age Quod Agis

    1 Strike

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrtr33 View Post
    I don't understand.
    Herein lies the greatest challenge to mankind. Trying to understand why someone does not care for someone else. Wars are fought over it.

    If they don't like one another - me and a lot of other folks ain't gonna make it any better. Something the two of them will need to work on (if they choose). If not - that's okay too. I just hope the situation doesn't polarize folks who may be wanting to choose sides. That would be bad and could potentially lead to far worse things.

  8. #28
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    Welcome SS from western Oregon.
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  9. Default Intro

    hi friends,
    I am new user here.............................

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by anbinal View Post
    hi friends,
    I am new user here.............................
    Hey Hannibal!

    Are you somehow related to Sumatra Samurai?

  11. #31
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    Welcome to the forum from eastern Oregon!
    Just another day at the office!

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