I have 4 humidors, 3 the same and 1 larger purchased from cheaphumidors.com. 3 takes 1 rectangular humidifiers and the larger takes 2. They are of the foam type and I use 50/50 solution. One problem is
all the humidifiers rust and put brown on the foam but my main problem is that on the larger one the humidifiers that sit on the right side of the lid has been replaced by me 3 times in that white mold forms on them, have checked the humidor for mold itself cant see any, cant understand why only this humidor
Keeps letting mold form on the humififier 3 times now on the 4th one. Any ideas, cheaphumidors.com was of no help. I have the one causing problems since only may 2012 and have gone thru 3 humidifiers in that short time.