Dear cigar friends --

Today The Daily Caller published the fourth column in the new CIGAR HUNTER series. I'm in Morocco smoking Cubans. Can you blame me for writing about it?

CIGAR HUNTER: Partagas in Paris

Please click here to read the growing "Cigar Hunter" collection. This is an evolving project that exposes our massive audience to the pleasures of cigar smoking and the history & vernacular of our peculiar passion.

The Daily Caller is America's fastest-growing online news portal, reaching nearly 6 million unique readers every month. That puts us ahead of The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, The Boston Globe, the Chicago Tribune, and many other top-tier news websites.

Please feel free to share this with friends and colleagues, and drop me a line if you have ideas for columns. I'm particularly interested in interviewing independent tobacconists and in reviewing new products.

David Martosko
The Daily Caller