Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
Cuban's almost certainly do better with some years on them. As a matter of fact - there are quite a few vendors (particularly the Asian market) that carefully age their stock. It should not be awfully difficult to dig up 2006 Partagas'

Age does make a difference with Cuban's and Partagas is one of the better cigars with age. 1998 is my favorite year - have a couple of different marcas and vitolas 1998 vintage cigars still laying around in my humidor. I also have 1984 and 1986 Davidoff's. Those are fairly difficult to find these days.
The only Cigar shops on the island are all run by the same folks. There are three shops here. It's hard to imagine them carefully aging their stock... All the guys who work there are Indian or Bangladeshi, and most of them don't even smoke. So it's hard to get any information about their stock from talking to them. But these sticks are legit. I smoked two of them and found them very good. There just isn't any way to compare the 2006 Churchill's with anything since they were discontinued. Good stogie though...