I had one of these this morning and I knew I was going to really like it as soon as I lit it.
But, the cap cracked a little when I cut it. Not too big a deal. About halfway, I took off the band very carefully, but the wrapper started to unravel. I fixed it with my always present emergency flour/water glue and it was fine after that. I nubbed it, but it was pretty ragged by then.
In spite of all the extra labor, I still liked this one enough I wouldn't mind buying a few.
Has anyone else smoked these? And was this one the exception or the rule. One bad one I can live with, but a that's too much work on a regular basis.

Thanks to my benefactor for including this one. I had tried a different Perdomo and didn't think much of it. I probably wouldn't have gotten around to ever trying this one based on that.