Ahh see Buzz I made that mistake on purpose for you...I fixed it though...for you.

And thank you for posting some content.
Again it just is so frustrating to me. I would not treat someone like this if they were talking to me in person, I wouldn't say to their face "thank you for giving me some content," I would be polite. Yet for some reason it's ok since it's on a forum?

I understand where you are coming from, and I respect that. But instead of immediately jumping to anger, why not explain? Even have a canned response from a moderator ready if that's what you want the community to be? I wonder how many more members of your community you could have. I promise that if I have found and read this site while trying to get information from the internet, many others have as well. And I'm certain I am not the only one coming away thinking...no thanks.

Good luck to all of you in all of your goals and dreams.