Quote Originally Posted by Mike S View Post
The best advice I ever received is to try everything and remember the ones you like. You can rotate them in your humidor and you don't get bored.

As far as brands, I like a mild cigar and have found that Baccarat is wonderful for a new smoker. Easy light, great taste, always stays even and good price. I've also recently found Alec Bradley Black Markets. I've always loved the AB and this is no disappointment. Cost is right about $8.

I don't drink that much alcohol so I can tell you that as far as soda goes, Dr. Pepper is the absolute best.

Uhhh... Mike - did you read the WHOLE thread before you posted your response? Did you miss me counseling Sumatra Samurai about his response?!?

Chris is in EUROPE. EUROPE is overseas. The do not typically have access to US domestic cigars. He will have significant problems locating Baccarat and Alec Bradley at any of his local shops - and most US retailers will not ship overseas.

But I do have a solution. Now that you've made such a faux pas - it would be a very nice gesture for you to send Chris five of each cigars for him to try!