Quote Originally Posted by CptnBlues63 View Post
Hi and welcome to the board from Alberta, Canada

You think you're jealous, try living here in the winter time and being a cigar smoker..........LOL

I can't smoke them in my house (wifey says they stink) so I"m reduced to using my hunting trailer which I leave parked in my driveway all winter for that very purpose. I've already run through two 20lb propane tanks this winter and will likely kill two more before it gets warm enough outside to sit and smoke on my deck. Typically I go start the heater 2 or 3 hours (depending on temp outside) before I go for my cigar so it's reasonably warm inside by the time I get out there to smoke.

I noticed a couple built in wine coolers.........does it have a built in humidor too?

No humidor...The room is sealed and has a smoke eater though.