Hello everybody,

I put this rainy Sunday to good use and finally made my webpage bilingual ( so far). You can choose English via the little flag in the top left corner. And why should you do that?
On this page you can find a quite big number of establishments which are either cigar lounges or places where you can smoke a cigar whithout getting remarks or worse. And you can also add new addresses or rate places you know.
So far due to the fact that this page was until yesterday only available in German the most addresses come from the German speaking countries. The goal ist to gather places all over Europe, so you can find a place to smoke when you are on travel or just want to go somewhere else than where you always go for a smoke.

So please add missing places, rate existing addresses and if my translation was to hilarious, please let me know what I should correct.
Aaaand: If your mothertounge is one of the European languages and you want to make your fellow smokers happy, then write me an email if you are able to translate the page ( Do not fear, it is not much) to your mothertongue.

So far many Greetings from rainy Düsseldorf

Calamity Jane

PS: I waited for this post over a year, so yes I am quite entustiastic at the moment!