Paul Carmirian Symphony 20 Sublime

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (8 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (3 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

Where: Basement
Movie: Dragon Ball Evolution & Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li
Drink: Diet Coke

- Slightly sweet smell.
- Perfect draw with a very slight hint of sweetness.
- No other real discernible flavors.

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (10 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (11 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

1st Third
- Very thick and copious amount of smoke.
- Hints of sweetness and creaminess.
- Spice and pepper has developed.
- Flaky ash.
- Spice has disappeared revealing a nice tobacco taste.

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (15 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (32 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (34 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

2nd Third
- The sweetness has returned.
- The sweetness disappeared about halfway through the second part and was replaced by a nice tobacco flavor agian.
- A purge brought out a nice leathery taste.

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (53 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (55 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (57 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

Final Third
- Leather has disappeared and gave way to a straight tobacco taste.
- A slight harshness began to develop towards the end. Nothing too bad.

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (76 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

Paul Garmirian Symphone 20 Sublime (83 of 87).jpg by Mizicke5273, on Flickr

Really enjoyed the ride this cigar gave! I will be picking up a few more. I had another vitola, but I think the Sublime is infinitely better. I would like to thank Todd from The Tobacco Shop, who recommended this smoke to me.

Oh, by the way, I bought a new lens for the camera. Good choice I'd say. It's the Nikon 60mm 2.8G macro lens.