Quote Originally Posted by Rick41 View Post
Hi guys,

I am new to this forum and don't know if this is the right place to post this thread.
I am a cigar aficionado for about 20 years now and over the last year or so noticed cigars going missing from my humidor.

Last night my 17 year old son Paul came clean, dad I have started smoking. Watching him carefully light his cigar made me realize he is no beginner and knows what he is doing. Part of me enjoys smoking with my son, part of me thinks he is too young to start his cigar journey at 17.

Any of you have had the same experience and how did you handle it.

There are plenty of "bad" things your son could get into. And cigars are not one of them...

My son began smoking cigars when he was 18 - at least "officially". He and I have had some GREAT conversations over a cigar. He's 24 now, and some of the best moments I have with him are when we both slow down to contemplate life and love over a nice cigar.

My recommendation - make each and every cigar smoking opportunity with your son as good as the last time. Smoke good cigars in a good atmosphere. Teach him to appreciate the subtleties of the various brands and vitolas. You might even be daring and introduce him to a dram of a good Scotch or Cognac - teaching him the value of enjoying the pairing of a good cigar and a fine spirit (rather than smoking a cigarette and chugging down shots of alcohol). Through those interactions he will come to appreciate positive stress reducers and good adult conversation.

Good luck!

BTW - one of my BEST father/son times was when I took him to Las Vegas for his 21st birthday. The brat decided to drink a "yard" (e.g. 10 shots of alcohol) in less than an hour. I spent the rest of the evening holding him up by the seat of his pants so he did not fall flat on his face... To this day - one of the best stories I tell in his presence.