Quote Originally Posted by hog View Post
I ain't leaving. You guys are way too much fun to annoy

Sent from my Star Trek communicator

Oh if only we got a free cigar for every wannabe used douche like you who trolled through here...

Originally I didn't respond because I knew you just wanted a little bit of attention and I normally just ignore wingnuts like you because giving you the attention you're looking for only feeds your stupidity until you're banned. Idiots like you never have anything intelligent to say and have even less contribute to a forum like this so even if they're not banned, they never hang around long.

I don't give you a week.

Just FYI, you're not annoying. You're not smart enough to be annoying. You are at best, mildly entertaining.

"Sent from my Star Trek communicator" - That makes perfect sense, you are definitely a 'space cadet'