Quote Originally Posted by JessesBodyArt View Post
hey everyone i need help fast!!!
i purchased a humidor combo from thompson Co....ive herd great things about them, i got there HUMIDOR CONNECTICUT CHURCHILL COMBO PLUS CUBAN DELIGHT SE.....and i cant get the temp right but i stay around 70% humidity?? there for 2 days i was at 70% but the temp wst st 83?!? i wok up and the pic below shows this temp/%... its been 4 days since i got it i seasoned it and put a sponge in there do cuhz i live in palmdale ca and its hot as hell and dry...i contacted THOMPSON Co they had me do a seal test i put a dollar half way in and shut it and pulled the dollar right to left and it had resistance the whole way showing it was a tight seal but the left side of the lid had less resistance but it wast easy moving the dollar....ive purchased the XIKAR 16OZ SOLUTION..haven't got it yet to use it but please let me know wat to do??
Where did you go to high school?