Hello gents,

I'm h3rrington on every forum I frequent so if you know me from wus, dwc, or somewhere else let me know!

I'm 22 and just got out of my sh*thead phase last year. I dumped smoking cigarets, dumped drinking crappy alcohol, and grew an affinity for watches. I don't need a recommendation thread! I use a search function!

I'm a scotch guy. With my preference being Macallan 18. My most smoked stick right now is the Nub connecticut. I enjoy the mild flavors and even burn for a cheaper stick. Makes my habit semi easy on the wallet. Though I must admit I am a huge fan of Alec Bradley's black market.

I am still discovering my tastes and what I enjoy most. And I hope to share the journey with you fellas. My plan of attack is just see what some of you gents post and give em a try myself till I find what I love.

For now, here's my humble humidor.

Note: the cheapie sticks on the right (below the lfds) are for the friends that say they like cigars but don't even know what to do with it.

Thanks for letting me be a part of this community.