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Thread: Turbolags Very Own Thread to Discuss His Business Venture

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    Once the consumer learns to optimize their smoking experience, it can be very enjoyable and a fun hobby to take part.
    I think that's copy right infringement.... I'll let it slide though.

    Oh and its the truth....

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbolag View Post
    I think that's copy right infringement.... I'll let it slide though.

    Oh and its the truth....
    So is "Relative the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in an air-water mixture to the saturated vapor pressure of water at a prescribed temperature. The relative humidity of air depends on temperature and the pressure of the system of interest" - word for word without giving proper credit (as required by terms of service).

    ...if you're gonna do it - you gotta do it right.

    But Kudo's to you for at least understanding copyright infringement could be problematic...
    Last edited by ggiese; 11-19-2013 at 11:48 PM.

  3. Default

    Holy shit this is a clusterfuck deluxe. I have been smoking cigars on and off since about 1983 or so. I am by no means an expert and never think I will be one. I am pretty knowledgeable on them but every time I get together with my cigar buddies I learn something new. If you want to be a part of the community thats great but come here to flog your blog with it's 13 cents worth of knowledge and I can guarantee a epic hella failure
    The older I get ,the better I was

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by kevin7 View Post
    If you want to be a part of the community thats great but come here to flog your blog with it's 13 cents worth of knowledge and I can guarantee a epic hella failure
    You do realize there is a place in your profile for your own website ?

    And your signature can be whatever you want.

    I'm not doing anything wrong.

    AND.... my website does not compete with this website at all because this is a forum and mine is a content website.

    Do this.... go to google and type in cigar smoking for beginners...... this website doesn't even come up. Because its a forum.

    To find this website you have to type in " Cigar smoking + forum".

    So there is no need to feel threatened or think I'm spamming. Because my site and this site are totally different.

    No one is gonna go to my site and never come back to this one because you cant post threads or anything on mine, just comments.

    And I agree with you Kevin, I don't really feel super confident either, but hey .... at least I'm trying. You have to try.

    If no one tried, then no websites or businesses would get built.
    Last edited by Turbolag; 11-19-2013 at 08:16 PM.

  5. #5
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    Please, allow me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbolag View Post
    You do realize there is a place in your profile for your own website ?

    You do realize, he's been here almost 10 years. I think he understands this place a slight bit better than you. But you on the other hand just joined and despite being politely told on several occasions that it's in bad taste, continue to argue your "right" to have it there..

    And your signature can be whatever you want.

    What a childish and ignorant comment.

    I'm not doing anything wrong.

    Actually, you're doing quite a bit wrong, you're just too dense to realize it.

    AND.... my website does not compete with this website at all because this is a forum and mine is a content website.

    AND...your website is pitiful.

    Do this.... go to google and type in cigar smoking for beginners...... this website doesn't even come up. Because its a forum.

    Do this...go to Google and type in "Dumbass that can't take a hint"...notice the picture of a big feller in his Moms kitchen with a can of Wannabe RockStar on his man boob...Hey, that's you!

    To find this website you have to type in " Cigar smoking + forum".

    So there is no need to feel threatened or think I'm spamming. Because my site and this site are totally different.

    Threatened? No. ..... Annoyed? You bet!

    No one is gonna go to my site and never come back to this one because you cant post threads or anything on mine, just comments.

    First thing you've said that I agree with...the bold part that is.

    And I agree with you Kevin, I don't really feel super confident either, but hey .... at least I'm trying. You have to try.

    Deal with your own insecurities.

    If no one tried, then no websites or businesses would get built.

    Good luck with your business.
    From your previous posts, I realize now you need direct and concise direction. My replies are in red.

  6. Default

    Ahh so eloquently put,I like it.
    The older I get ,the better I was

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by TheGreekTitan View Post
    Please, allow me.

    From your previous posts, I realize now you need direct and concise direction. My replies are in red.
    My website is pitiful ? Where is your website? Please share.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbolag View Post
    My website is pitiful ? Where is your website? Please share.
    My company has a website. It's good, not great...but it does make the phones ring on a daily basis. I'll admit the website needs updating, but I assure you the information it contains is accurate and professional.

    Not sure what bearing this has on your situation, but whatever.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbolag View Post

    If no one tried, then no websites or businesses would get built.
    Oh, boy... This just speaks volumes about where you're at... Following this logic, all we have to do is to "try" to be successful in jumping into a lake... But - perhaps you're not taking into consideration it might not be a good idea to do that at 3 am, naked, when the water temp is 35 degrees...

    Look - I admire your courage, but apparently you do not possess what it takes to be successful. Seriously - if your business plan is to put up a website and post poorly written content about a subject you're not familiar with (fer cripes sake - within the last 30 days you found out there was something called a tobacco beetle and it could ruin your cigars!). ...and then follow the guidance of an SEO "expert" advice by posting the website link in your sigtag at an established cigar community to monetize this website? C'mon - seriously - what planet are you from?

    I don't want to discourage you from doing a noble thing, but it's difficult to watch someone walk on the RR tracks wearing a headset with his back to a train traveling at 100 mph (147 ft/sec) less than 150 feet away.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    Look - I admire your courage, but apparently you do not possess what it takes to be successful. Seriously - if your business plan is to put up a website and post poorly written content about a subject you're not familiar with (fer cripes sake - within the last 30 days you found out there was something called a tobacco beetle and it could ruin your cigars!). ...and then follow the guidance of an SEO "expert" advice by posting the website link in your sigtag at an established cigar community to monetize this website? C'mon - seriously - what planet are you from?

    I don't want to discourage you from doing a noble thing, but it's difficult to watch someone walk on the RR tracks wearing a headset with his back to a train traveling at 100 mph (147 ft/sec) less than 150 feet away.
    Ok, so how about you help a newbie out ?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbolag View Post
    Ok, so how about you help a newbie out ?
    What kind of "help" are you asking for?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbolag View Post
    Ok, so how about you help a newbie out ?
    Posts are generally not deleted (with some minor exceptions). What you write is there for all to see - I recommend you be careful what you're posting so as not to worry about it having to be deleted...

    So - with the "help a newbie out"... I'm not sure you really realize what you're asking...

    Breaking it down on my side - do I feed you fish, or teach you to be a fisherman. On one hand - I see that feeding you fish will satisfy your appetite, but will leave us with having to feed you all the time. On the other hand - we will need to spend significant time and effort teaching you how to be a fisherman. Quite frankly - neither option is really appealing to us (collectively as a community) - since the only thing you're really offering us is to post a link to this forum in your blog/website/whatevertheheckyoucallit. And I really don't think at this point associating this community with your website is a good idea...

    I don't know if you've been told - and I really hate to break it it you. Please forgive me... (geez I really, really don't want to burst your bubble) - Uhh... Oh crap... I gotta quit beating around the bush... Arrrgggghh......

    ...your website is pitiful.... There - I said it! I've finally revealed the elephant in the room! And it feels SO liberating...

    Look - I'm not trying to be mean, but c'mon... You cannot believe you will be hired on the editorial staff at Cigar Afficianado based upon what you're writing, do you? Seriously - it is very poorly written - it contains all sorts of grammatical errors - you're quoting sources without giving credit - and just plain bad information. Tons of things that should hit you straight between the eyes that it's just not going to work.

    I'm not sure I found anything in what you wrote that would be very much helpful to a new cigar smoker (well - I have to admit - there was actually one guy who seems to be perhaps enthusiastic about your writings, so there is at least one - Mr. Ibara). But I really think you should be recalibrating your expectations of this business venture, and acknowledging you're not really heading in the right direction if you're intent is to turn this into a $$$$.

    Your need for help will be something that will be difficult to provide. I see it as (at this point) as only continuing to coach you in the right direction. You've been given plenty of really good feedback. (I'm assuming at this point you've watched "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" with interest, right?) That's a great start (...and I recommend you pay very close attention to the level of detail Jiro goes through to ensure he's producing a quality product). Next - assemble the tools you need to be a good writer. I know, I know - it's a lot of hard work - but really - it's worth it!
    Last edited by ggiese; 11-20-2013 at 12:14 PM.

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