Quote Originally Posted by illilli View Post
Yeah, I have played Risk so much and with such success that people used to just take me out. I never cared because I just love playing the game no matter the outcome.

The board games I was talking about were games that came in boxes that had the little hexagon cardboard game boards and took hours to play. I also played Axis and Allies quite a bit.

I definitely would like to play Diablo III with you guys some time. I am playing all five characters Act by Act and have only gotten a couple of them to Act III so far on the first difficulty. I have a long ways to go !!
I remember playing Axis and Allies with my little brother. He was really into that and other games like it. I'm 8 years older than he is so by the time he found them I wasn't living at home anymore so didn't get a lot of chances to play them with him. But I enjoyed them when we did get a chance.

Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
Geez - you guys keep talking like this and you're going to be called geezers! LOL

BTW - way back (way, WAY back) I was appliance manager at K-Mart. One Christmas we gave away the original Pong game with a purchase of a new TV. I'm quite certain more than one customer cursed us for the "burn in". LOL

...and I used to love to play Stratego and Risk board games. Haven't touched either in over 30 years...
My bro's dad was real pissed. That color TV wasn't 6 months old and it was the big expensive console kind. He replaced it and told us the one we'd wrecked was for gaming and if we ever connected that game to the new one he'd kick our asses......LOL