Quote Originally Posted by CptnBlues63 View Post
That looked very yummy btw and I may have to do a brisket myself some time this summer just cause yours looked so good!

I've always been pretty much just a steak on the grill kind of guy but I'm trying very hard to expand my repertoire and learn how get better use out of my grill. I have to say, this thread has helped (and is continuing to help) improve my grilling.

Last year I invested in a good rotisserie and did one chicken and a couple rib roasts on it. I've also done a spatchcock chicken on the grill and learned how to make some reasonably decent BBQ chicken breasts (bone in) on the grill as well.

I'd really like to try a rib roast (have one in the deep freeze) with a good rub but so far I haven't been too pleased with the rub's I've been picking up at the store. What did you use for your brisket? If not store bought, is it a rub recipe you'd be willing to share? If yes, please, tell me!
I use the Cluck'N'Squeal products. They have a beef specific, low sodium rib and their all purpose chicken rub.