
I have perused the site for a couple years now and have found much of your advice invaluable. After initially making the mistake of purchasing an Acid, I learned of my mistake from you all and got into the good stuff. I would say at this time I'm somewhere around a late beginner to a begining intermediate cigar smoker. I'm contemplating the purchase of a humidor this summer and even a couple of boxes. So for developing my tastes and guiding my choices, I wanted to say thank you all.

I still have a few things that I am not experienced at and I was wondering if you all could maybe shed some light on my situation. I have difficulty in picking out distinct flavors in my cigars. I can tell of something is full bodies or mild, I can distinguish between smoke that is thicker/chewy or smoke that is light/airy but I can't really get any individual flavors. It all tastes like tobacco to me. Some of them are much more enjoyable for me than others. Do you have any tips for this? Anything that has helped you over time or made the smoking experience more enjoyable?

Also, I know there are plenty of recommendation threads already out there, but I would like to list a few sticks that I like, and hope that you would be kind enough to maybe give me an additional recommendation. I have mostly smoked mild sticks. But would like to progress towards some medium to full bodies cigars.

I really enjoyed a CAO Gold Double Corona lately, and if I follow through on the humidor I will certainly buy a box.

Some additional sticks are as follows:
Padròn 3000
Padròn 2000
Arturo Fuente Double Chateau (a bit too light, but very enjoyable)
Olivia Serie V (double toro?)

I'm more of a fan of chewier thick smoke. I like maduros, but I believe that CAO Gold is a Connecticut correct? And that was delicious. My local tobacco shop is fairly small, but I can ask for things if need be. I don't trust the guy who works there. He always tells me how great the Acids are and I always reply, "Ehhhh maybe next time".

One last question, does size all that much aside from smoking time? It seems as if maybe it would slightly impact taste because of the ratios of filler leaves to wrappers and whatever else, but it seems to me like it really wouldn't make much of an impact. I'm a fan of bigger sticks.

Thank you all for your time reading this. I look forward to hearing from you all.

Very Respectfully,