Hey guys,

Noob here. My name is Warren, I'm 32, and I'm From Louisiana (about an hour from Baton Rouge). I am not new to cigar smoking by any means, I've been smoking them since I was about 13 (old enough to steal them from my grandfather without getting caught)... I am however, new to cigar storing, having recently purchased my first humidor, and am interested in discussion with some of you regulars on what to purchase to put in it. I've always only bought 1 or 2 at a time from the smoke shop, or maybe a 5-pack at the most, but now am faced with the problem of selecting 50-100 good sticks to stock my humidor, and am in need of some assistance from you guys. At the moment I have a few each of 5 Vegas Classic Churchill, 5 Vegas Series 'A' Apostle, 5 Vegas Gold Churchill, La Gloria Cubana Serie R 5.5 x 54, and 30ish each of Victor Sinclair Series 55 Corojo cigarillos, and Drew Estate Tabak Especial cigarillos (the only infused cigar I've ever found that I really enjoy), all of which I really like. I have smoked countless others over the years, but can't remember what I liked and didn't like. I don't want to waste money on crap cigars, and was hoping I could get some suggestions. What are some of your favorites? Thanks!